GDG DevFests are large, community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and more. In Lahore at Lahore University Management Sciences ( LUMS) event was organized by BMC.
GDG DevFests are large, community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across multiple product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and more. In Lahore at Lahore University Management Sciences ( LUMS) event was organized by BMC.
Google has roots in various continents and region across the globe. South-East Asia is also one of Google’s place of interest and every program under Google is also launched here under SEA region. In Pakistan, Google events are also planned, organized and coordinated by Business and Management Consultants (BMC). Also all Google giveaways items and products including mugs, diaries, keychains, figurines, flash drives, t-shirts, p-caps, that are given away in different events are prepared and manufactured by the team at BMC. Take a look at some of these items below.
Google’s GSA program invites students to apply and be able to get a chance to represent Google and its objective in their respective regions. Under this program, the selected students get to introduce and educate their fellow students about what new apps, programs, activities and programs that Google is and will be offering. An event regarding the GSA program and Google tools including Gmail and Google Drive took place in Sialkot where students of Virtual University participated in the event. The event was organized and coordinated by BMC team.
Google Business Groups are passionate individuals and groups of individuals, entrepreneurs and businessmen, who are willing to collaborate in order maximize their business/ideas returns and results by using Internet and more specifically Google’s web technologies. This program was also launched in Pakistan under South-East Asia region. The giveaways were prepared and manufactured by BMC Pakistan.
Google Student Ambassador Awais Imran at NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences organized an informative event on Google Search Workshop